
Seamless journeys, superior conversion rates.

5 platform features you need in your analytics tech stack for best-in-class optimization.

In the fast-paced digital world, no team remains unaffected by the rapid evolution of digital trends. To repeat this paraphrase of Darwin on evolution: It's not the strongest or most intelligent of the species that survives but the one that's most adaptable to change.

The foundational objectives of enhancing user acquisition, driving conversions to boost revenue, optimizing expenditures, and gaining insights into user engagement persist. However, the ascent of eCommerce and digital services has intricately woven these objectives into the fabric of the user experience (UX), demanding a more nuanced approach.

Gone are the days when simple web analytics could suffice. Previously, understanding the entry and exit points of users was enough. The scope has broadened significantly. Teams must uncover not only how users arrive to their site but also how they spend their time in the experience and the reasons behind their actions.

This evolution signifies a broadening of responsibilities for those involved in digital product management, technology innovation, marketing strategies, and analytics. While the ultimate goals of driving user engagement and demonstrating the value of digital initiatives remain constant, the strategies to achieve these have become more complex. The emphasis has shifted towards a deeper understanding of the user journey, necessitating a more data-driven approach to decision-making.

The challenges are substantial, from justifying investments and managing limited budgets to selecting the most effective channels for user engagement. Moreover, there's a pressing need to comprehend the factors contributing to user drop-off. The role of professionals in digital fields has expanded significantly in the post-2020 era.

In this guide, we explore five essential strategies for optimization, focusing on improving user conversion rates by understanding user behavior more deeply.


Don’t just know your customer’s journey, quantify them.

All with the goal of helping to identify when site visitors find or don't find what they came to explore, browse, or buy. But what happens when click throughs and page views drop, and abandon rates rise? In the digital realm, teams across all sectors have a wealth of metrics at their disposal, from click-through rates to page views and abandonment rates. These metrics aim to shed light on when site visitors find or don't find what they came to explore, browse, or buy. However, what happens when click throughs and page views drop, and abandon rates rise?
It’s now a digital team's job to not just know this information, but to understand the reasons for it. There's a significant difference between observing a drop-off in a conversion funnel and understanding the reasons behind it, which are essential for driving optimization efforts across the board.
While analytics can pinpoint where users drop off, uncovering the reasons behind these actions is often more complex. Digital teams must go further. When 99 other people have also ‘dropped their baskets and run out’ you know that there’s a problem to investigate, but only if you’re watching them all and see the pattern. Having access to comprehensive digital user behavior analytics empowers teams to move from merely identifying blockers to conversions and micro-conversions to understanding what happened, why, and what can be done next to improve the customer journey.
As the scope of responsibilities widens for digital professionals, so too must their grasp of customer behavior, underscoring the importance of optimizing every aspect of the digital experience

Simple journey maps or journey visualizations that show drop offs, but limited user and behavioral details to determine “why.”


From journey maps, easily pivot to analysis of funnels, pages, and page content. 100s of behavioral data points are automatically captured, providing instant and detailed suggestions for what to improve.


The Telegraph

Quantum Metric played a pivotal role in The Telegraph's digital strategy, driving a 57% increase in mobile and web conversions in just a day and a half. This success highlights the significant impact of optimizing even the simplest elements. Quantum Metric's platform helped provide The Telegraph with real-time insights into errors and page performance, moving beyond traditional analytics' limitations by uncovering overlooked opportunities for improvement. The tool's ability to contextualize each issue enabled The Telegraph to make informed decisions, effectively eliminating ambiguity and focusing on actions with the greatest business impact. Quantum Metric’s machine intelligence emerged as a crucial differentiator, revealing vital insights that traditional metrics might miss, thus spearheading a more effective and targeted approach to optimizing the digital customer experience.


Gain real-time monitoring for time-sensitive campaigns.

In the digital era, a few hours—let alone a couple of days—can make a significant difference, especially during peak campaigns or major digital initiatives. Every moment counts, and the stakes are high for ensuring success and justifying the efforts of your most significant projects. Imagine the potential fallout if a crucial feature, such as a promo code, malfunctions, or if a key element on your website, like a side banner, goes unnoticed by your audience. The repercussions could be significant.
For time-sensitive campaigns, being left in the dark for any amount of time can be disastrous, particularly if something isn’t working as it should. Real-time monitoring becomes indispensable, allowing you to observe customer behavior as it happens. Discovering a flaw, like a confusing website layout or a non-functional link, after three-quarters of your traffic has already clicked through means losing out on potential conversions and damaging your brand's reputation.
Real-time monitoring offers the ability to make swift adjustments, ensuring your digital strategies achieve their intended impact.
Take, for example, a situation involving a well-known company that leveraged Quantum Metric during a high-profile promotion. They detected a glitch affecting customer experiences through real-time monitoring, which was causing significant friction. Swiftly addressing this issue not only saved significant potential revenue but also bolstered the company's reputation and customer loyalty.

Lack of real-time monitoring and analysis can result in significant revenue loss for your highest priority initiatives. You might learn about the big spikes and drops in your web analytics tool, but not the slow bleeds and their root causes.


Real-time monitoring automatically identifies spikes, drops, and slow bleeds, helping you make adjustments on the fly, whether UX friction or technical error. For example, customers being sent to a confusing landing page or a product that’s out of stock.


Anonymous Retail Client

During critical peak holiday season, a retailer faced a significant challenge tied to their Cyber 5 marketing campaign. After launching a new marketing page and prominently linking it to a banner at the top of every webpage, they discovered a costly mistake: an accidental extra character in the URL path was causing mobile users to land on frustrating 404 error pages. With Quantum Metric, they found this seemingly minor typo had a major impact, leading to an alarming 75% decline in potential conversions through the campaign. Recognizing the urgency of the situation, the team updated the URL immediately to correct the error and implement redirect links as a failsafe measure.


Streamline optimization: Auto-capture analytics for new releases and campaigns.

For every digital team, the launch of a new product or campaign is a pivotal moment that often comes with its fair share of oversights, one of the most common being the omission of analytics tracking on a new landing page. This lapse can leave teams in the dark, driving traffic without conversions and without the necessary insights to understand or rectify the issue. Explaining such an oversight to your boss, or any stakeholder, can be as challenging as navigating an unlit section of a physical store, where despite all efforts to guide customers in, they end up leaving due to the lack of visibility.
This scenario underscores the critical need for modern analytics tools that offer tagless capture of user behaviors and engagements. In the digital era, having to manually tag every element of a campaign for tracking is no longer feasible nor should it be acceptable. Tagless analytics offer a solution, ensuring that every interaction with new content, from page elements to form submissions and calls to action, is automatically captured.
This technology empowers digital teams to move beyond the limitations of manual tracking. With comprehensive insights at their fingertips, teams can confidently analyze the performance of their campaigns, understanding not just the 'how' but the 'why' behind their success or failure. This level of insight is indispensable for optimizing digital strategies, ensuring that every campaign is not only seen but also fully understood and effectively executed.

For new releases and campaigns, engineering always has to help with manual tagging. When tagging is delayed or missed, you have zero visibility into optimizing new content or campaign. You’re flying blind!


Automatic tracking of 100s of behavioral and experience data points, from friction indicators, typed text, form submits, scroll depth, and more. You don’t ever have to rely on engineering to get marketing analytics.



Quantum Metric significantly aided Seera Group in improving their customer experience with the introduction of a fare calendar on their travel websites, addressing users' needs for easily finding affordable flights. By leveraging Quantum Metric to track and analyze customer interactions with the fare calendar, Seera Group gained valuable insights that directly influenced product enhancements. Notably, the decision to display flight prices directly in the calendar led to a 26% increase in conversion rates, highlighting the importance of user-friendly design. Quantum Metric's session replay feature further enabled the team to align development priorities more closely with user needs, accelerating the introduction of new features. This collaboration underscores Quantum Metric's effectiveness in facilitating data-driven product development and optimization, significantly boosting Seera Group's ability to meet customer demands and enhance overall satisfaction.


Enable collaboration between business and technical teams for faster improvements.

The divide between business and tech teams often resembles an interstellar gap, with each group operating in what feels like different universes. In large part this is because each is trying to achieve different things, and different goals means different directions and different priorities. This divergence can lead to operational silos, resulting in extended code freezes and a loss of agility within organizations.
Imagine a scenario in our physical store where the floor manager's request for a new shortcut to streamline customer flow clashes with what the facilities team sees as top priority – refurbishing the store owner’s office. To put it simply, this lack of aligned goals and understanding leads to missed opportunities for enhancing customer experience and operational efficiency.
So how can you solve this in digital terms? The solution lies in leveraging unified data sources that offer indisputable insights into customer behavior, enabling both business and technology teams to prioritize actions based on their impact on the business. By adopting tools that provide comprehensive data accessible to all relevant teams, organizations can foster a culture of collaboration and shared objectives.

When your product and tech teams are looking at different sources of data, it’s hard to get alignment on where to focus resources next, e.g. marketing has web analytics, product has product or UX analytics, and tech has application and network monitoring.


Easily work off the same “version of truth,” including customer replays, quantified impact, and behavioral and technical data. When marketing identifies a drop off, all teams can associate the drop off with either behavioral (confusing UX, content) or technical (application, network errors) friction.



BMO's collaboration with Quantum Metric significantly transformed the commercial banking digital client experience, leading to an award-winning approach centered on empathy for customer interactions with its digital banking platform. In the first year of their partnership, Quantum Metric helped catalyze BMO's digital-first transition through several key enhancements.

By utilizing Quantum Metric's session replay capabilities, BMO teams were able to quickly visualize and rectify digital frictions, reducing issue resolution time from over a day to less than an hour. This capability halved the time required to investigate customer escalations, enhancing customer satisfaction, and lowering service center costs. Moreover, Quantum Metric offered a comprehensive view of the customer experience that was previously unattainable.

Where BMO's prior analytics system required three months to manually tag a mere 10% of the commercial banking site, Quantum Metric's automated logging covered almost 90% in the same timeframe.


Boost revenue by tailoring micro-segments for remarketing.

Personalization stands as a cornerstone in the digital landscape, transcending beyond marketing to encompass all facets of digital strategy. It's a dynamic journey, rooted deeply in the comprehensive analysis and understanding of data. This data encompasses not just the points of user drop-off or the referral sources to your site, but delves into the granular details of user interaction—click patterns, browsing duration, return visits, payment preferences, and broader behavioral trends.
The traditional analytics snapshot showing a generic drop-off rate, such as "30% of users leave at stage 2 of the buying cycle," isn’t really that useful any more. Such surface-level insights offer little depth, understanding, or customer empathy, falling short in facilitating true personalization or in devising strategies to re-engage lost opportunities.
Imagine a shopper leaves your store because they can't find anything that matches their size or style. A brief visit with no repeat potential might seem inconsequential to an observer. Yet, imagine the impact of a proactive approach where, on their next pass, the shopper is invited back with assurances of new stock that aligns with their preferences.
It’s something that sounds effectively impossible in the physical world, but from a digital perspective and with solid backing from the data team, it’s entirely possible. Digitally, understanding the nuances of customer behavior unlocks "the art of the possible," enabling teams, from analytics to UX design, development, and marketing, to craft experiences that resonate on an individual level.

Limited, automatic data capture of customer behaviors and interactions limits the “art of the possible” for digital teams.


Dream up and define almost any micro-segments to create more personalized remarketing campaigns. With autocapture, almost any behavior, interaction, and if/then action can be turned into a micro-segment.


Canadian Tire

Canadian Tire learned that a large segment of users were not converting because they were experiencing “promo code errors.” Through precise data analysis, Quantum Metric helped pinpoint this friction, enabling Canadian Tire to retarget these users with functional promo codes, facilitating successful transactions. This example underscores the imperative for continuous monitoring and optimization across all digital teams, leveraging insights to not just understand but anticipate and cater to user needs, driving engagement, satisfaction, and ultimately, conversion.


For digital teams across the spectrum, gaining a deeper insight and quicker access to customer behaviors transcends a mere competitive edge. It represents a pivotal opportunity to enhance overall performance and drive the business forward.

This wealth of data facilitates enhanced communication among internal teams, allowing for the re-engagement with customers who may have slipped through the cracks and instilling confidence and autonomy in initiating new projects from the ground up

Upgrade your customer journey analytics with Quantum Metric. Visit our demo center to watch a product tour or connect with us to learn more visit our Demo Center.

About Quantum Metric.

As the pioneer in Continuous Product Design, Quantum Metric helps organizations put customers at the heart of everything they do. The Quantum Metric platform provides a guided approach to understanding the digital customer journey, enabling organizations to recognize customer needs, quantify the financial impact and prioritize based on the impact to the customer and business’ bottom line. Today, Quantum Metric captures insights from 40% of the world’s internet users, supporting globally recognized brands across industries including retail, travel, financial services and telecommunications.For more information about Quantum Metric, visit