Beyond the bolt-on: Upgrade your analytics.

See why organizations choose Quantum Metric over Decibel for their digital needs.

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How digital teams use Quantum Metric.


Monitor real-time KPIs, friction, and behavior so that you are ahead of passive feedback channels.


Immediately quantify issues so that your teams spend less time chasing down possible non-issues.


Surface optimization opportunities with behavioral data, ensuring each iteration creates tangible value.

Customers who chose Quantum Metric.

Why Quantum Metric.

Find friction outside of just surveys.

Get the technical capture teams need to resolve issues.

Evolve your site without wasting resources on maintenance.

How we stack up.

Real-time data

Session replay, segments, dashboards, and alerts leverage real-time data.

Capture &eventing

Autocapture 300+ dimensions and behaviors on day one, then leverage remote configuration to reduce engineering burden.

Mobile app analytics

Patented approach enables capture/analysis parity with web by translating native app views into family DOM components.

Error monitoring &alerting

Automated error monitoring and quantification with the ability to create precision alerts powered by ML.


Real-time dashboard engine that is flexible enough to visualize anything from checkout analysis, to A/B testing comparison and frontend error monitoring.

Enterprise deployment

Full control over user permissions, data access, traffic management to scale with thousands of users.


Dedicated success consultant, engineer, & account manager with award winning levels of support.


Real-time data

Data is available in hourly updates and sometimes 24 hour updates.

Capture &eventing

Captures ~12 out of the box events and requires code level configuration for custom eventing.

Mobile app analytics

Video based capture technique that creates a high security risk and vastly increases overhead.

Error monitoring &alerting

Tracks JS errors OOTB and everything else requires configuration. Alerts are inflexible and don’t evaluate in real-time.


Rigid dashboards that showcase high level metrics with minimal drill down opportunities.

Enterprise deployment

Only one data connection, sample rate and user permission set per property which is limiting for multi property organizations working in one platform.


Frequently cited “slow response times” in user reviews.


reduction in time to resolution

Using session reply, teams are able to visualize, identify and fix the issues, in less than an hour. Previously this took a day or more.


reduction in cost per acquisition

By monitoring customer behavior aligned to the customer’s journey, teams are able to identify where and why customers fall out of the acquisition funnel - and prioritize fixes based on outcomes that drive successful conversions.


increase in product engagement

By understanding where customers engage and correlating to intent to purchase, teams can intelligently build personalized experiences that actually drive online purchase.