Go beyond just technical with accessible digital analytics.

See why organizations choose Quantum Metric over Glassbox for their digital needs.

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How digital teams use Quantum Metric.


Monitor real-time KPIs, friction, and behavior so that you are ahead of passive feedback channels.


Immediately quantify issues so that your teams spend less time chasing down possible non-issues.


Surface optimization opportunities with behavioral data, ensuring each iteration creates tangible value.

Customers who chose Quantum Metric.

Why Quantum Metric.

A modern approach to experience analytics.

Accelerate your digital business with cross-team alignment.

Complete parity across web and mobile.

How we stack up.


Cloud based architecture built on Google Cloud Platform allows for capture of millions (or billions) of sessions.

Capture & Eventing

Autocapture 300+ dimensions and behaviors on day one, then leverage remote configuration to reduce engineering burden.

Mobile app analytics

Patented approach enables capture/analysis parity with web by translating native app views into family DOM components, yielding the highest fidelity mobile replay and 1:1 parity with web analytics.

Journey analysis & heatmaps

Automatically visualize the entire customer journey, then drill down to page-level micro-conversions and isolate promoters and detractors.

Enterprise operationalization

Large deployments benefit from self-service user management and permission-based roles, teams, and traffic segmentation; leading to adoption by hundreds or even thousands of users across dozens of teams.


Dedicated success consultant, engineer, & account manager with award winning levels of support. Fully developed Customer Community with in-depth documentation and on-demand enablement accessible to every user.


Archaic infrastructure designed for on-premise deployments and retro-fitted into SaaS environments.

Capture & Eventing

Flexible data capture with some basic autocapture primarily focused on technical aspects of the experience. Custom tracking requires code level maintenance (dev lift).

Mobile app analytics

Customers frequently report lengthy and difficult implementation of the SDK, leaving a gap in the parity of web and mobile solutions. Replay capture for mobile is often burdened with technical issues, like missing screens or poor rendering.

Journey analysis & heatmaps

Journey and heatmaps provide surface level insights and users report these features as difficult to use and provide inconsistent data.

Enterprise operationalization

Primarily designed for technical teams to identify technical issues within the digital experience, leading to limited adoption across the entire digital organizations.


According to user reviews, documentation is lacking and customer support is not timely or helpful.


reduction in time to resolution

Using session reply, teams are able to visualize, identify and fix the issues, in less than an hour. Previously this took a day or more.


reduction in cost per acquisition

By monitoring customer behavior aligned to the customer’s journey, teams are able to identify where and why customers fall out of the acquisition funnel - and prioritize fixes based on outcomes that drive successful conversions.


increase in product engagement

By understanding where customers engage and correlating to intent to purchase, teams can intelligently build personalized experiences that actually drive online purchase.