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How The Telegraph bolstered online conversions.

Within a week of deployment, Quantum Metric enabled Europe’s first daily web-based newspaper to diagnose and prioritize experience needs based on business impact.

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57% increasein mobile & web conversions.

Alleviated errorsimpacting 1 in 4 customers.

17% improvementin page performance.


Visualizing performance issues.

Within the first week of launching Quantum Metric, the platform highlighted a spike in slow API calls. The team was able to determine that 37% of visitors experienced long running spinners that prevented them from completing the subscription process. The platform helped the team identify and remove scripts running in the background on the subscription flow.

Once we turned on Quantum Metric, we saw that code was contributing to a performance deficit and removing it increased performance by 17%, which in turn created a 1.35% conversion uplift. This made the investment case for the platform pretty much overnight!

Dylan Jacques/Technology Director at The Telegraph

Streamlining user registration.

Quantum Metric also uncovered that a subscription form asking for a shipping address for welcome gifts was creating customer friction. The team found that 1 in 4 visitors that engaged with the subscription details form faced multiple errors related to ‘Find address’ CTA and 41% of mobile visitors never reached the next payment step.

The platform puts into context each improvement or issue, so we can size its scale and impact. Quantum Metric has really removed any ambiguity and drives us to make decisions that are the best outcome for business overall.

Dylan Jacques/Technology Director at The Telegraph


  • 57% increase in conversions in just a day and a half.
  • Real-time understanding of the scale of errors
  • Improved page performance across mobile and web.

With traditional analytics you have to prescribe what you want to measure. Often it's what you are not looking at that holds you back or causes you to miss the biggest areas of opportunity. That is where Quantum Metric’s machine intelligence has been a big game changer for us.

Dylan Jacques/Technology Director at The Telegraph