
Total insight from the start with autocapture.

Automatically capture every swipe, click, scroll, API response, page view, and more—release after release.

Capture 60+ behaviors and 300+ data points out of the box.

Easily create events, audiences & more without the need for manual tagging.


No manual tagging required.

  • With a one-time JS tag or SDK deployment, instantly start capturing data across your digital property.
  • Automatically track new pages and features even as your site or app evolves.
  • Our patented capture techniques work across web, mobile and kiosks to get data from multiple applications into a single platform.

Capture everything, out-of-the-box.

  • Quantum Metric’s autocapture begins capturing data immediately upon deployment.
  • Out-of-the-box we surface over 60 behavioral and friction indicators such as possible frustration, long running spinners, and forced reloads.
  • Out-of-the-box we surface over 300 audience dimensions such as browser, device type, and location.

Precision capture from end to end.

  • Create precision events with the data captured by Quantum Metric to understand the customer experience–no manual tagging or code-level changes ever required.
  • Using our visual event editor, set up events without involving engineering.
  • Using precision eventing, capture metrics unique to your business and understand historical performance and baselines rapidly.

Data as fresh as your last release.

Behavioral metrics

Clicks, taps, scrolls, long running spinners, scroll depth, form submits, back button usage, page views, typed text, frustration signals, and more.

Technical metrics

Error messages, JS errors, API requests, API 500s, network requests, API 40x, page speed metrics, app crashes, uncaught exceptions, and more.

Business metrics

Conversion rate, conversion value, funnel performance, bounce rate, page views, promo code values, attribution data, and more.

See Quantum Metric in action.

Get hands on in our demo center today.