CPD Glossary



AIOps, also known as Artificial Intelligence for IT Operations, are multi-layered technology platforms that use big data to automate and improve IT operations with the help of data analytics, machine learning (ML), and artificial intelligence (AI).AIOps platforms collect data from a number of IT/ops tools, devices, and platforms to pinpoint issues and respond in real-time. They provide traditional analytics tools as well. Organizations use AIOps tools to overcome department siloeing, since IT/Ops so often remains separate from engineering, design, and other teams. By aggregating data across monitoring systems, teams across an organization can access automation-driven insights that help organizations to continuously address improvements and enhance their digital products. This is known as Continuous Integration and Deployment, or CI/CD for short.

Agile Development

Agile development is an operational approach – a set of frameworks and practices that describe how developers work together in a self-organizing and collaborative fashion. Kanban and Scrum are two of the most well known Agile methodologies. In the 1990s, Agile revolutionized product development by helping teams deliver code more quickly and with less waste through greater clarity, shorter cycles and by enabling iterative and continuous delivery. Teams that practice Agile methods overcome outdated hierarchies in order to continuously respond to change, navigate through uncertain code changes, and uncover what’s actually happening in a specific environment. This helps teams figure out what they need to do on a day-to-day basis so that they can deliver high-quality software--and fast! Other Agile benefits include:

Anomaly Detection

Anomaly detection, also known as outlier analysis or outlier detection, is the process of identifying data points or events that diverge significantly from the majority of the dataset. Developers, operations teams, and other stakeholders rely on a number of anomaly detection techniques, powered by machine learning and AI, to pinpoint bugs, glitches, and rare events. This helps teams to identify new business opportunities and drive conversion rates.



Supported by Google’s infrastructure, BigQuery is a serverless enterprise data warehouse that allows you to control who views and queries your data. Because BigQuery is a completely managed solution, there is no need to download & install software or setup servers. This cost-effective solution is designed for business agility. BigQuery’s goal is to democratize data insights with a secure platform that easily scales to meet the needs of an enterprise while also allowing teams to gather key insights from data across multiple cloud platforms. Those without in-depth knowledge of SQL can use BigQuery to analyze billions of rows of data in Google Sheets by using tools such as pivot tables, charts, and formulas. You can construct a number of jobs in BigQuery, such as load, export, query, and copy. With BigQuery you can run open source data science workloads—including Spark, TensorFlow, Dataflow, Apache Beam—with the assistance of Storage API.


CX analytics

Customer experience analytics, also called CX analytics, is the practice of collecting and analyzing customer data in order to better empathize with customers. CX analytics helps teams to understand the entire user journey, including any pain points. The customer experience involves every step of the sales funnel and involves sales, marketing, customer service, social media, and review sites like G2. Think about the customer experience as starting the moment that the customer first learns about your product or brand. Advertising, product features, accessibility, and reliability all factor heavily into the customer experience. Overall customer satisfaction, then, can be calculated by subtracting the negative customer experiences from the positive ones. This means that each and every encounter with a brand, also referred to as touch points, matter. In the B2B context, measuring customer experience is primarily focused on how effective the company is at solving their customer's business problem.

Continuous Discovery / Product Discovery

Like most startups, most products and features are bound to fail. This usually happens when customers fail to put the customer first.Today’s product teams are weighed down by addressing small issues, fixing errors, and dealing with a backlog in Jira or Asana. Simply put, most product teams spend too much time, energy, and resources on product delivery. Product discovery is the process that teams use to evolve their ideas. It allows them to answer important questions, such as “What exactly should we be building?” Continuous discovery, a term that was coined in 2012, means that your team is performing product discovery as often as possible. This stage is focused on experimentation, ongoing conversations with customers, and other research methods. Discovery-driven roadmaps lead to a backlog of items that are each tied to business goals, not just engineering ones. Taken together, product discovery and continuous discovery have become the gold standard go-to-market strategies for many tech companies, especially for cash-strapped startups looking to deliver immediate value.By engaging in product discovery and continuous discovery, teams focus on not simply shipping new features, but ensuring that those new features actually create value for both the business and their customers.Product delivery, on the other hand, answers the age-old question, “How should we build it?” At this point you might know what you need the product to do, but you’re not quite sure how to accomplish that goal. If product discovery is about continuously developing a backlog, then continuous delivery is focused on constantly building, testing, and deploying new products and features.

Continuous Integration / Continuous Development

Continuous Integration / Continuous Development, often abbreviated as CI/CD, is a set of operating principles and practices that encourage a culture of delivering code changes frequently. CI/CD is an agile methodology, generally used for application development. CI/CD automates deployment, which makes it easier for developers to focus on improving code and satisfying the business’s key performance indicators (KPIs).With CI/CD tools, developers (who need to push frequent changes) and IT/Ops (who dream of stability) can work together to ensure that applications remain as stable as possible, even during the development process.

Customer Journey Analytics

Customer journey analytics, also called end-to-end customer journey analytics, is the practice of analyzing every touchpoint that a customer interacts with across multiple channels and over long stretches of time. It’s a data-driven approach to discovering, analyzing, and influencing the customer journey. By focusing on the customer’s point of view, organizations can better understand what their customers need in the present and future, as well as enhance the customer experience.With customer journey analytics, organizations can segment customers based on behaviors, psychographics, and demographics such as age or gender. That way, companies can better develop personalized, multi-channel customer experiences that meet the needs of their diverse consumer base. According to a recent study from IMB, the changes brought on by Covid-19 has pushed companies to spend more time designing personalized customer journeys. By focusing on each type of customer’s individual needs, organizations can more rapidly understand factors such as churn/bounce rates, conversion, customer acquisition, and other key performance indicators (KPIs). Organizations can thus analyze millions of data points to reveal crucial moments of customer friction, optimize the user/customer experience, and achieve desired business outcomes such as increasing revenue, driving conversion rates, and reducing churn. With customer journey analytics, scaling is especially important. Organizations should be able to look at the bigger, end-to-end picture, as well as small & micro journeys. The newest generation of customer journey analytics tools make it easier for teams to clean and aggregate data without making countless complex SQL queries. The newest technologies leverage AI and machine learning to help teams make data-driven decisions.



Heatmaps are graphical or visual representations of data where values are denoted by color. With heatmaps, teams can visualize data at a glance to better understand how users click, scroll, and navigate through a website. Heatmaps are a crucial tool for analyzing user experience and usability. They help teams understand where people are getting stuck and where they focus their attention, as well as what elements appeal most to the user base. While tools like Google Analytics can assist teams with identifying which pages are experiencing issues, heatmaps help teams to close the understanding gap by identifying the elements that are causing the biggest headache for users. Analytics alone can’t explain where people get confused or frustrated. Many organizations pair heatmaps with session recording (or user replay) technology so that teams can better understand how specific, individual users interacted with the product. Without the help of other tools, heatmaps only tell you WHAT happened. Heatmaps alone cannot tell you WHY something happened. For heatmapping, having large amounts of quantitative and qualitative data is crucial. Unlike anomaly detection, heatmaps focus on what the average user experiences. Because of this, heatmaps are useful for teams looking to enhance their A/B testing strategy.Desktop and mobile heatmaps give teams a cross channel approach to understanding how users interact with products across an organization’s digital portfolio. The area above the fold (the term used to describe the parts of a webpage that users do not need to scroll to see) is significantly smaller on mobile devices than desktop ones. Heatmaps allow teams to quickly evaluate and understand how these differences impact the user experience, micro conversions, and more.


Lean UX

Lean UX is a mindset, culture, and process that adapts agile methods for UX design. Teams that engage in lean UX practices create functionality in minimum viable increments. They determine the success of each design element by measuring actual results, backed by customer data, against a hypothesis. The goal? Move UX design away from an overzealous focus on deliverables and backlogs, especially maintenance deliverables. Many deliverables are never implemented into the product itself, so the lean UX methodology emphasizes speed to market and generating a continuous flow of value. Most importantly, lean UX practitioners focus on designing the actual user experience, at scale. Lean UX encourages teams to think beyond simply generating design elements. Rather, the focus is on how users will interact with the larger system. It forces UX designers to take a step back and understand the financial motivations of features, the requisite functionality, and how each feature benefits users. When UX teams spend too much time on designs, it can be a bottleneck for developers practicing agile methods. Speed is an important component of the lean UX philosophy, as teams must incorporate new designs into a rapid interaction cycle. Organizations that practice lean UX focus on building products that take user’s needs, wants, contexts, and limitations into account. The ease of use, utility, and effectiveness of the user interface (UI) is a crucial component of the process as well.Lean UX is heavily influenced by the lean startup philosophy and SAFe thinking.



Observability, a term that comes from control theory, is the ability to answer questions about the inner workings of software products and services by only observing the system’s outside or external workings. It’s a measurement of the internal system’s fitness that is inferred by observing external outputs. Observability measurements focus on why a problem is happening, rather than simply identifying that there is a problem. If a system has a high degree of observability, that means you do not need to ship new code to answer questions about the system’s internal workings. Because the newest systems are so complex, software engineers have developed tools to help organizations predict when something is going to break by measuring the system’s outer workings. Observability helps teams to understand how the entire system fits together.Now that system complexity is outpacing our ability to predict what’s going to break, observability tools have become essential for large enterprises. Monitoring for unknown problems is no longer enough, since companies need tools to uncover “unknown unknowns.” With observability, the emphasis is on the development—and ongoing changes—of an application. Many organizations use observability to analyze and track the deployment of a new system, especially experimental ones. When deploying a system, it’s important to keep a close eye on all system components, including mobile, web front-ends, back-ends, databases, and the overall infrastructure.Investors are also noticing the importance of observability. Databand, for instance, raised a $14.5 million Series A in December 2020 to continue enhancing its data pipeline observability tools.


Progressive Web Apps (PWAs)

Progressive web apps (PWAs) are a type of web-based application software built to adapt to any device or operating system, though they function best on modern web browsers, like the latest version of Google Chrome. They take advantage of the newest available features on the user’s device and browser, including the latest APIs and third-party plugins, to unite the best features of both web and mobile apps. PWAs were introduced by Google in 2015, when it was discovered that people wanted app-like user experiences on websites. Android devices started supporting PWAs, which led to a progress web app boom in India. Apple, on the other hand, was late to the PWA game, as Safari only started supporting PWAs in 2018.Built using traditional HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript, progressive web apps are responsive, which means that they adapt to your device’s form and screen size. Because of this, they are a good option for organizations seeking a cross channel application that works with mobile, tablet, and desktop devices. All users run the same code for PWAs, so there is no version fragmentation, a common obstacle with native app development. Like native mobile apps, PWAs offer improved user retention and performance, all without the added stress of building and maintaining a native application. PWAs can also be modified based on GPS, user behavior, and customer data.PWAs can enable push notifications so that users receive a notification even when the browser is closed. Similar to mobile apps, PWAs can use push notifications to re-engage their users.Currently, the Push API is only available in Chrome, though Firefox is in the process of adding the new features. The push API is not currently supported on Safari, and Apple has not made any plans to do so publicly. If you’re thinking about building your first PWA, check out popular PWA starter kits such as Polymer and Web Starter Kit. Mobile app stores are starting to host PWAs, and organizations can use third-party wrappers to convert their PWA into a native app.


Rage Clicks

Rage clicks occur when users click repeatedly on a particular element or certain area of your app or website over a short period of time, usually less than a minute. In general, rage clicks signal slow responses times, browser issues, broken elements, dead links, bugs, design flaws, and other usability issues.Users also rage click because a website or mobile application isn’t loading fast enough, though it’s also common to see rage clicking occur because of client-side JavaScript errors and console errors. Rage clicks that can’t be traced back to errors can help teams to enhance the user experience (UX) of their website or application. Misleading buttons (elements that seem like they do something but don’t) and confusing copy can cause just as many problems as JavaScript errors. For instance, a user might rage click on a visual element that looks like it contains a link, but doesn’t. In this case, the design team might modify the element to include a micro conversion. Some users engage in rage clicking by moving their mouse erratically, as opposed to actually clicking. Such movements usually indicate that users were confused, lost, or impatiently waiting for a page to load. But many people casually click as they scroll through a website out of habit or to highlight the website’s text. In this case, rage clicks can actually be a false signal.

Real User Monitoring

Real user monitoring (RUM), also known as real user measurement, page performance and end-user experience monitoring, is a passive monitoring technique that allows organizations to monitor how pages, applications and devices are performing from the user’s point of view. Real user monitoring also helps teams track site speed, page speed, and overall app performance. At the core of real user monitoring is the ability to capture and analyze each user interaction on a website and gauge system performance, both front end and server side. As a passive service, real user monitoring tools function in the background, tracking things like load time and transaction paths. In fact, real time monitoring never stops. Most tools collect data from each user, across an organization’s entire digital portfolio, across each individual request. Depending on the service and goals, real user monitoring tools can give teams a view of the front-end browser, back-end database, and server-level issues. Most bottom-up real user monitoring platforms capture server-side data to reconstruct the end-user experience. Top-down real user monitoring platforms, on the other hand, focus on the client-side, meaning that they show how users interact with, and experience, an app or website. Now more than ever before, users are engaging with more hybrid environments such as cloud, widgets, and apps. Because of this shift, monitoring app usage from the client’s perspective has become a priority. So real time monitoring requires teams to collect data from various individuals and consolidate it into one database. Real user monitoring requires teams to sift through large amounts of data. To help them understand what it means, real user monitoring platforms generally offer data visualizations and segmentation tools. These features help teams understand data points from many users across many different types of metrics, all at a glance. Software as a service (SaaS) companies and application service providers (ASP) employ real user monitoring techniques to ensure that they’re delivering standout services to their clients.

Real-Time Digital Analytics

Real-time digital analytics are used to collect and analyze data from a variety of sources, such as websites, mobile apps, and kiosks. At its core digital analytics is about helping organizations improve the online experience by better understanding how customers engage with digital products. To engage in digital analytics, organizations collect, measure, and analyze both quantitative and qualitative data in order to modify and enhance their business practices. Digital analytics thus leads to continuous improvement and is a core element of Continuous Product Design.


Single Page Application (SPA)

Single page applications, or SPAs, are web applications that dynamically rewrite the current webpage with data from the web server so new pages don’t need to be loaded. In other words, SPAs can load new content without loading a new page url. Like progressive web apps (PWAs), SPAs feel and act like native apps. To mimic native apps, all necessary HTML, JavaScript, and CSS load with the initial download, meaning that the page never reloads or transfers control to different pages. However, developers can use tools like the location hash or the HTML5 History API to make SPAs appear to have separate pages. SPAs employ a number of JavaScript frameworks—including AngularJS, Ember.js, ExtJS, Meteor.js, React, Vue.js, and Svelte—to develop the user interface, run application log, and communicate with servers. Data is transported via XML, JSON, or Ajax, while requests to the server result in either raw data (XML or JSON) or new HTML.Unlike standard web pages, SPAs make asynchronous requests to a server for XML or JSON data. Ajax, the most prominent technique to create this effect, uses jQuery and other JavaScript libraries to manipulate the Document Object Model (DOM) in order to edit the HTML elements. Older SPAs used outdated browser plug-ins such as Silverlight, Flash, and Java to create asynchronous calls. The latest tool, The Websocket API, is a bidirectional, real-time client-server communication technology that is available with HTML5.With SPAs, backend developers focus on APIs, whereas frontend developers ensure they are building a good user experience.Some popular examples of SPAs include Facebook, Google Maps, Gmail, Twitter, and GitHub.



Acoustic Analytics, formerly known as Tealeaf, was founded in 1999 launched the experience analytics category. IBM acquired Tealeaf in 2012.As one of the first tools to incorporate user session replay, Tealeaf has largely served a technical audience such as IT departments, meaning that it is often siloed from other teams, such as product and development. Teams can choose between a SaaS cloud version and an on-premise one. Glassbox, an Israeli-based enterprise analytics platform, is often viewed as the evolution of Tealeaf.


UX Analytics

UX/UI analytics is a qualitative and quantitative approach to measuring user activity on a website or an application that provides insights into how certain features can be modified to meet the needs of current and future users. Quantitative UX analytics methods focus on measuring important data, such as how often users click on a particular feature or how much time they spend on a page. When UX designers use digital analytics dashboards and reports, they are engaging in quantitative research. Qualitative UX analytics, on the other hand, analyze how users interact with a product or service based on non-numerical measurements, such as surveys, user research, and NPS scores. UX analytics are crucial for engaging in data-driven design, which is the practice of using actual data to build products that users want and need. By turning to UX analytics, design and development teams are better equipped to understand bounce rates, track & optimize the customer journey, make the product more accessible to the target audience, uncover pain points that reduce conversion rate, and step into the user’s shoes. By focusing on macro/micro conversions and metrics, UX designers can more quickly address content & visual design issues, such as confusing wording or counterintuitive designs.

User Replay

User replay—also known as user session replay, experience viewing, and session playback—is a recording of a user’s experience and interactions on a website or application. Like recorded videos, user replays capture exactly (or almost exactly) how each user navigated through a digital product, including clicks, typing, swiping, tapping, scrolling, and cursor movements. Tealeaf was one of the first tools to incorporate session replay technology, though largely for a technical audience, such as IT. Today, teams across the organization use session replay technology to monitor and improve the user experience on customer-facing and employing-facing applications across a company’s digital portfolio, including across devices such as tablets, smartphones, and desktop computers. With the help of user replay tools, teams can identify conversion-blocking problems that are related to UX design flaws, as well as technical errors and bugs. While tools such as Google Analytics and Adobe can help teams to identify where a conversion drop occurred, they do not provide insights into why the drop occurred. User replay tools, on the other hand, help teams to quickly validate issues with macro and micro conversions. For example, watching a user replay can reveal hard-to-find moments of customer friction, such as a button that isn’t working properly or a confusing form. Some user replay tools enable co-browsing with customers, which allows support agents to view a customer’s experience as they’re browsing. Advanced user replay tools tend to come with additional features to monitor and analyze data, including segmentation tools and advanced machine learning technology. For instance, many platforms allow you to watch session replays and analyze crucial behavioral, technical, and business data using anomaly detection technology, machine learning, and AI. In general, session replay tools record basic web pages built in HTML and CSS, as well as CSS animations, audio and video built in HTML5, web components, and more. Most session replay tools, however, can’t record things like Flash, Java, Silverlight, and other plugs. User replay technology can record sessions across a company’s digital portfolio, including across devices such as tablets, smartphones, and desktop computers.


Value Stream Management

Value stream management (VSM) is an agile business practice that helps companies determine the actual value of their software development and delivery. When companies invest in value stream management software, they want to visualize the flow of value through the organization, which requires monitoring the end-to-end software delivery cycle to ensure no money is being wasted.According to Forrester, value stream management is “A Combination of people, process, and technology that maps, optimizes, visualizes, and governs business value flow (including epics, stories, work items) through heterogeneous enterprise software delivery pipelines. Value stream management tools are the technology underpinnings of the VSM practice.” To put it simply, VSM is all about ensuring that software products actually create value for customers. It turns out many enterprises struggle to determine the value that is being derived from massive IT investments, such as replacing a legacy platform. Rather than focusing on specific features, teams can put more energy on the features and products that actually make money. This makes it easier to avoid bad investments. After all, seeing returns on software investments requires companies to focus on business value and customer satisfaction, first and foremost.This customer-centric product development cycle approach makes it easier to understand complex software development processes so that teams can change their roadmap before it’s too late. More importantly, VSM shows the software life cycle through the customer’s perspective, which makes it easier to align key performance indicators (KPIs) with the product’s backlog. VSM then helps organizations to understand how multiple value streams impact their digital portfolio.The benefit? Teams align on priorities, combat data silos, increase product quality across digital channels, iterate faster, and, most importantly, provide a deeply satisfying customer experience. They use value stream management tools to leverage real-time metrics, automate workflows, and ensure that they are collecting the measurements & metrics with the largest impact on the business’s bottom line.