
Make the player experience an ace up your sleeve.

Understand in real-time what’s stopping players from registering, returning, or dropping off before making a deposit or bet.

Take your digital experience to the top of the leaderboard.

Detect player friction automatically.

Know what issues to prioritize based on the calculated business impact of any single point of friction.

Gain real-time visibility into peak sporting events.

Fix friction or breaks to avoid lost deposits on real-time events and offers.

Detect and prevent fraud.

Set up automated behavior pattern recognition alerts to help reduce fraud and protect players.

Release new features quickly and confidently.

Monitor how new releases are performing so product and tech teams can make improvements and fix bugs.

Play your cards right with pre-built guides.

Ramp up your team’s efficiency with Atlas’ out-of-the-box guides featuring dozens of micro-journeys tailored to your industry. Easily monitor, diagnose, and optimize across your entire player journey. Click below to view Atlas guides.

Why Quantum Metric.

Autocapture player behavior, identify friction faster.

Boost your web, mobile and contact center visibility.

Size the impact of a single issue.

Reproduce player experience with session replay.