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Supercharge your focus on the digital retail experience.

Understand shoppers’ needs faster for high efficiency business impact.

Supercharge your focus on the digital retail experience.
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Cost and time savings are everywhere.

Discover the potential for growing your brand’s revenue and savings with our ROI calculator.

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US Dollar

Your monthly sessions


Your average order value


Your conversion rate


Estimated annual revenue benefit


Estimated annual operational efficiency benefit

0 hours saved

*Based on improving conversion rate & revenue, decreasing time to investigate issues, and finding new CX insights

Make shopper obsession your best seller.

Get ahead of friction points.

Quickly determine where customers are struggling, size the impact, and apply a fix before one customer turns into many.

Surface customer insights in real time.

Increase speed to insight with autocapture, answering critical business questions immediately.

Release new features with speed and confidence.

Monitor how new releases are performing so product and tech teams can make improvements and fix bugs.

Drive impact with customer empathy.

Take confident action with clear visibility into your web, mobile app, or in-store kiosk experiences.

Retail revelations right out of the box.

From purchase flows to promo codes, instantly gain insight into your digital experience with pre-built dashboard templates.

Retail revelations right out of the box.

Why Quantum Metric.

Know exactly where to focus and what to prioritize based on the biggest impact for your business and customers.

Prioritize revenue-impacting opportunities.

Monitor behavior and address friction.

More answers, less waiting.

Get enhanced security and privacy with less configuration.

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Quantum Metric has allowed us to identify some of the biggest guest pain points. We specifically identified multiple errors in the checkout funnel and systemically chipped away at those errors. It’s been a multi tens of millions of dollars of impact to the business.

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Danny Ryder / SVP of Digital and Omnichannel at Lululemon

Working with Quantum Metric, we've been able to provide the same level of technical support globally, regardless of our team make-up in each region. This allows us to identify issues and make changes on a global scale, rather than having to put in the time and resources to make individual changes in different markets.

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Drew Foster / Director of Analytics, at Vista