Empathy by design. ™

Make products people your purpose.

Continuously design better travel experiences for the humans who need them.

Man confidently strides forward with phone and rolling luggage in hand.
digital insights

What do travelers want
from a loyalty program?

By signing up for a loyalty program with their favorite airline, hotel chain, or brand, customers expect a more personalized experience, which means a superior user experience. Learn more about traveler expectations around the digital loyalty program.

Example travel mobile interface.

Your ticket to digital
traveler success.

Discover how the world’s largest travel brands are re-thinking the customer experience and creating new digital standards to build future loyalists

Woman sitting in boarding area, looking at her phone.

Gain full product

Seera Group, a travel services company, uses Quantum Metric to validate product testing and updates, ensuring that every release delivers on the intended traveler experience.

With Quantum Metric, we found out that if every cell in the table loaded a price, versus some cells saying 'click to show price'–it increased conversion rate by 26 percent.
Anshuman Singh
“Continuous Product Design means feedback. Feedback at the ideation stage, feedback when creating a product, and feedback once you’ve launched.”
Anshuman Singh | Director of Shop, Buy, and Ancillary Product

Real-time digital insights. Quantified business impact.

Quantum Metric automatically quantifies opportunities in your digital applications, helping you prioritize traveler needs with more speed and confidence.

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Man runs forward energetically with a water bottle in hand.