Journey Optimization With Quantum Metric

20-minute demo + Q&A

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Learn about Quantum Metric Journey Optimization in just 20 minutes—no phone calls required.

See why thousands of global brands trust Quantum Metric to deliver incredible digital experiences. We will cover some core use cases of the Quantum Metric platform, including how to:

  • Visualize the top paths your customers take with Quantum Metric’s latest feature, Journeys
  • Use path analysis to reveal key details (behaviors, errors, engagement) and contextual Session Replay
  • Determine what product/digital features to optimize next using Interaction Heatmaps and Page Analytics

Your hosts:

James Silvester

Technical Product Marketing

Samantha Reuter

Sr. Solutions Engineer

Once we turned on Quantum Metric, we saw that code was contributing to a performance deficit and removing it increased performance by 17%, which in turn created a 1.35% conversion uplift. This made the investment case for the platform pretty much overnight!

Dylan Jacques

Technology Director, The Telegraph

It's been a multi tens of millions dollar impact for us.

Danny Ryder

Chief Digital Officer, lululemon